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We�ve survived the tech bubble and the housing bubble, but are we headed for something more catastrophic than either of those?� Some experts are beginning to fear the worst.<br><br>Let�s review recent financial events. The meltdown in the global financial markets created a wave of panic and a surge of money has poured into what has always been considered safe�short-term U.S. Treasury securities.� This basically means that investors are willing to put faith in and lend money to the government.� Primarily because, even though our national debt stands at staggering $10.59 trillion, and is still growing, the U.S. has never failed to meet a debt payment. This sudden appetite for Treasuries has driven yields down to their lowest levels since the Great Depression. <br><br>Over the past couple of months, the Feds have funneled massive amounts into bailout packages upsetting the government�s balance sheet.� When you add a soaring U.S. deficit into the mix, you get a situation that�s causing sleepless nights for anyone that�s paying attention.<br><br>How Low Can They Go?<br><br>We�ve been waiting to see just how low interest rates on Treasury securities could go before the rapid stream of investments would dry up. If you loved this article and you simply would like to get more info concerning bubble shooter pet i implore you to visit the web site. � It now appears that even zero is not too low. One day during the second week of December, the annualized yield on three-month T-bills in the secondary market hit the minus zero level, down to negative 0.01%, then later that same day it rose to positive 0.01%.<br><br>This means that investors are so fearful of the markets, but still have enough faith that the U.S. government, they are willing to risk getting less money upon maturity than they originally invested, and earn no interest along the way. <br><br>The Treasury hasn't had to auction new T-bills at a negative rate yet, but on December 8, they actually sold $30 billion in four-week T-bills at a yield of exactly zero. Anyone who bought those can sell them in four weeks, but not for one penny more than they paid for them. At that rate, you could have just as easily stuffed a fistful of $100 bills into a coffee can and buried it in the back yard.<br><br>You might be wondering who would be willing to buy Treasury debt for little or no return?� It turns out that there were plenty lined up to buy�some who probably no longer have back yards�so many in fact that the Feds reportedly could have sold up to four times as much as they did. Actually, while there are plenty of individual investors, it�s the big institutional investors like pension funds, and international central banks that are the biggest players in the market for Treasury securities.<br><br>How Long Can it Last?<br><br>There is so much money shifting into Treasuries, it can�t last forever. Investors seem to be pouring money into government securities with the same fervor that they did during the housing surge and the dotcom mania. U.S. government debt has always been considered the safest investment in the world.� But now some fear the Treasury market is venturing into bubble territory.<br><br>The big question becomes, �How long can it last?�� Were a bubble of this size to implode, there wouldn�t be enough sand bags in the world to stop the flood of money that would come gushing out. When the torrent was over, there would be so little left in the Treasury coffers, the government would be forced to pay higher rates on their burgeoning debt. <br><br>Our Foreign Debt Holders<br><br>�If such a day of reckoning is coming, it would be a devastating blow to the economy, and the dollar.� At the first sign of the stock market entering a sustained period of recovery, investors would shy away from low-yield Treasuries. The Fed could then be forced to monetize Treasury securities, or else boost the rates higher. <br><br>But China and other foreign countries hold a major chunk of U.S. debt. In fact, about half of the nation's $5.3 trillion in publicly traded debt is held by countries like Japan and China. That means a significant down shift in Treasury prices would lead to the decline of the US dollar, a threat of hyper-inflation and finally, a depression.<br><br>And yet, even though the U.S. has the dubious distinction of having kicked off the firestorm of global economic meltdown, our government bonds are still considered the safest investments in the world.<br><br>What�s in Store?<br><br>Just like we all thought that the price of homes could only go up, we now know that it�s that kind of irrational exuberance that blind us what�s coming.��Jim Grant of Grant's Interest Rate Observer recently commented on CNBC, "There's more risk in things people think are inherently safe, including cash and Treasuries, vs. the things people perceive as risky." <br><br>It appears that even though Treasury yields are at an all time low, even institutional investors are more concerned about preserving capital than they are in getting higher returns. Treasury interest rates are already at or near zero. <br><br>If things get worse, and they slip further into negative return territory, would investors actually be willing to pay the government to hold their money for safe keeping?� So far, there is no indication that things will get that dire. Although, since none of the rules we�ve lived by these past few decades seem to apply anymore, we can�t speculate on the future. <br><br>We think that Treasury interest rates will probably remain low until some time mid-2009, or at least until the recession begins to lighten up.� If the skittish market keeps the fear factor alive, people will keep moving money into the Treasury for safekeeping, low interest rates or not.
Gracia Amico, CEO of Pets Pyjamas and her lurcher dog Piper.<br>Pets Pyjamas<br><br><br><br><br>Britain is a nation of pet lovers and anyone who has a dog, cat, or another type of furry friend will know that you're willing to part with a decent amount of cash to get the best for your four-legged family member. <br><br>According to Pets at Home data, Britain is set to spend £6 billion ($9 billion) on their pets this year and research by Capital One says spending on pet presents has grown by £3 million in the last 2 years<br>. <br><br>But most of this is on run of the mill pet accessories — it's not that easy to pamper your pet.<br><br>This is where Pets Pyjamas has found its niche.<br><br>The company — founded in 2011 by Denise Elphick, Karen Hanton, Olaf Siedler — marries luxury, fashion, and travel for people who are crazy about their pets. <br><br>The company has a big following and has thank you letters on the wall from the Osborne family — UK Chancellor George Osborne, a separate letter from their Bichon Frise "Lola Osborne"(in comic sans), and a third from Osborne's wife. <br><br>When you adored this informative article in addition to you would like to get more info relating to bubble shooter pet kindly stop by our web site. Pets Pyjamas does luxury handmade pet accessories, such as handmade leather collars and sumptuous doggy jackets. But it also does decadent tailor-made holidays for you and your pet, and even has a dog concierge service. <br><br>Gracia Amico, who was appointed CEO in 2014, has championed the bespoke dog-friendly holidays<br>and says they are helping turnover rocket. <br><br>A framed handwritten letter from UK Chancellor George Osborne and a letter from his dog, hang on the wall in Pets Pyjamas headquarters.<br>Lianna Brinded/Business Insider<br><br><br><br><br>"When I joined, we didn't do holidays but now it accounts for 70% of the group's revenue. I can't give you exact numbers but we have annual triple-digit growth in holidays and accessories - and this isn't from a low base," Amico told Business Insider in their Shoreditch-based London offices. <br><br>"We now have over 200 hotels and 100 cottages who are on board and everyone is starting to understand the importance of the 'hound pound,' which is sales made from pet related products and services. <br><br>"Dogs are an essential part of the family for many people and some wouldn't be able to travel at all if they can't take their dogs so we decided to apply the Pets Pyjamas brand to holidays." <br><br>According to Euromonitor International's World Travel Market global trends report<br>, British hotels could increase revenues by 30% per year<br>if they allowed people to bring their pets. <br><br>"No where else does what we do," Amico says. "Yes, there are some accommodation websites that allow you to choose 'dog friendly' places to stay but they're just tick boxes. You don't know if they allow the pets to stay in the room when you're out or have to be put in the car while you are having dinner. What we do is completely different." <br><br>"All our hotels and cottages are beautiful, but [we] also make sure that dogs go free and that it fully accommodates your pet, for example, allowing you to leave them in the room and also being able to accompany you for dinner in some cases. <br><br>"If they can't accommodate the dinner aspect, then they have to at least provide services that allow your dog to be looked after if you pop out. For example, you could go for a spa treatment while you dog could get groomed and smell and look great by the time you return. <br><br>"We also provide a wonderful box of goodies for you on arrival, personalised for your dog, and can design holiday packages, costing all the way up to £10,000 ($15,000). We always overdeliver." <br><br>"We overdeliver"<br>Kobi the husky at the front door in Pets Pyjamas' London HQ.<br>Lianna Brinded/Business Insider<br><br><br><br><br>You only have to visit the Pets Pyjamas website for a few minutes to realise the company treats its products<br>and services like Vogue treats fashion. <br><br>Amico, who is a veteran in the e-commerce and fashion world, believes that the key to the company's success is that it "overdelivers," has high-quality products, and always makes sure there is the element of bespoke to its services. In other words, she says, Pets Pyjamas "attracts you in one way and keeps you coming back for more. It's a very holistic business." <br><br>Amico says they are the first group to "curate" high-end pet related products, that range from £10 ($15) collars to limited items that can cost thousands of pounds. You won't see plastic squeaky toys or budget dog bowls anywhere on site. <br><br>"What's interesting is that our customers, if they buy a holiday, they come back to the site for accessories and vice versa," Amico says. "We also put a lot of time into making sure the website is tailormade to breeds. For example, what you want to buy for your pug versus my lurcher is very different." <br><br>"We also make sure we are content rich and have articles, lists and advice from celebrity pet owners, trainers, vets and others." <br><br>"The 'internet' used to be a dirty word in the luxury world"<br>Gracia Amico, CEO of Pets Pyjamas spoke to Business Insider from the group's London HQ in Shoreditch.<br>Lianna Brinded/Business Insider<br><br><br><br><br>Amico wanted to be in business from an early age but decided to take up a language that would be key in the business world instead — Mandarin. <br><br>After completing a Masters in Chinese, with several facets of an MBA, marketing, business and finance embedded into the degree, she launched a fine Italian jewellery and leather goods e-commerce business named after herself when dot com was in its infancy in the 1990s. <br><br>"I absolutely loved it and for the 5 and a half years I did it, it was great," she said. "I had £500,000 ($754,000) in venture capital investment but it was a steep learning curve and quite lonely. I had a small team but when the dot com bubble burst, I didn't have all the answers. But I learned so much and realised that I wanted to stay in e-commerce. There was great potential online." <br><br>After the Amico site, she worked for a bed linen company to expand their offering online and then rose up the ranks in the world of e-commerce and fashion. She ended up working at Burberry in the e-marketing department and made the group "super commercial." <br><br>"The 'internet' used to a little bit of a dirty word in the luxury fashion world but after a year they became super commercial online," she says. <br><br>She said she was hungry for more innovation, which led her to Topman where she ran the e-commerce department with just two people. Within 5 years, she grew sales online from £2 million ($3 million) to over £50 million ($75.4 million) with a team of 45. <br><br>"I don't know what it was like across the rest of the Arcadia group [the company that owns Topman] but it was very entrepreneurial in Topman. We could move fast. For example, one day I just spoke to the tech people and asked for a US site and it was done quickly and then we started trading in the US," said Amico. "However, the bigger we got, the more we slowed down in development." <br><br>She then went to Hobbs in a similar role but "didn't find it entrepreneurial enough." Immediately afterwards, she was poached by long-term business friend and co-founder of Pets Pyjamas Karen Hanton and the rest is history. <br><br>A screengrab from the Pets Pyjamas website.<br>petspyjamas.com<br><br><br><br><br>So what's next?<br><br>"We have only scratched the surface in Britain and we're getting more and more hotels and holiday destinations on board here, but continental Europe is an easy [expansion option] for us," Amico says. <br><br>"We have a good relationship with the Eurotunnel already and we've already started scouting places in the South of France. <br><br>"There's one place which is absolutely beautiful and is right near the sea. It also has a Michelin star restaurant where the chef has even agreed to make dinner for your dog." <br><br>The US, Japan, and other European countries are other areas for potential expansion. Partnerships are in the works. The group has launched its own range of dog jackets, which will be sold in Accessorize. <br><br>And Amico is also focusing on the tech side of things, given her background in e-commerce.<br><br>She says: "We are also creating an app that helps pets owners when they are travelling, whether they need to find dog-friendly restaurants or if there are some great places nearby to visit." <br><br>Given her roots in the first dot com bubble, does Amico think Pets Pyjama being a disruptor — a word loved by the tech community — is key to the company's success? <br><br>"We're very lucky here, we have a great tech team, great staff with a good pedigree," she said. "However, I wouldn't say we are disrupting. We are just moving everything on into the 21st century and ahead with the times."

Revision as of 01:33, 27 November 2017

Gracia Amico, CEO of Pets Pyjamas and her lurcher dog Piper.
Pets Pyjamas

Britain is a nation of pet lovers and anyone who has a dog, cat, or another type of furry friend will know that you're willing to part with a decent amount of cash to get the best for your four-legged family member.

According to Pets at Home data, Britain is set to spend £6 billion ($9 billion) on their pets this year and research by Capital One says spending on pet presents has grown by £3 million in the last 2 years

But most of this is on run of the mill pet accessories — it's not that easy to pamper your pet.

This is where Pets Pyjamas has found its niche.

The company — founded in 2011 by Denise Elphick, Karen Hanton, Olaf Siedler — marries luxury, fashion, and travel for people who are crazy about their pets.

The company has a big following and has thank you letters on the wall from the Osborne family — UK Chancellor George Osborne, a separate letter from their Bichon Frise "Lola Osborne"(in comic sans), and a third from Osborne's wife.

When you adored this informative article in addition to you would like to get more info relating to bubble shooter pet kindly stop by our web site. Pets Pyjamas does luxury handmade pet accessories, such as handmade leather collars and sumptuous doggy jackets. But it also does decadent tailor-made holidays for you and your pet, and even has a dog concierge service.

Gracia Amico, who was appointed CEO in 2014, has championed the bespoke dog-friendly holidays
and says they are helping turnover rocket.

A framed handwritten letter from UK Chancellor George Osborne and a letter from his dog, hang on the wall in Pets Pyjamas headquarters.
Lianna Brinded/Business Insider

"When I joined, we didn't do holidays but now it accounts for 70% of the group's revenue. I can't give you exact numbers but we have annual triple-digit growth in holidays and accessories - and this isn't from a low base," Amico told Business Insider in their Shoreditch-based London offices.

"We now have over 200 hotels and 100 cottages who are on board and everyone is starting to understand the importance of the 'hound pound,' which is sales made from pet related products and services.

"Dogs are an essential part of the family for many people and some wouldn't be able to travel at all if they can't take their dogs so we decided to apply the Pets Pyjamas brand to holidays."

According to Euromonitor International's World Travel Market global trends report
, British hotels could increase revenues by 30% per year
if they allowed people to bring their pets.

"No where else does what we do," Amico says. "Yes, there are some accommodation websites that allow you to choose 'dog friendly' places to stay but they're just tick boxes. You don't know if they allow the pets to stay in the room when you're out or have to be put in the car while you are having dinner. What we do is completely different."

"All our hotels and cottages are beautiful, but [we] also make sure that dogs go free and that it fully accommodates your pet, for example, allowing you to leave them in the room and also being able to accompany you for dinner in some cases.

"If they can't accommodate the dinner aspect, then they have to at least provide services that allow your dog to be looked after if you pop out. For example, you could go for a spa treatment while you dog could get groomed and smell and look great by the time you return.

"We also provide a wonderful box of goodies for you on arrival, personalised for your dog, and can design holiday packages, costing all the way up to £10,000 ($15,000). We always overdeliver."

"We overdeliver"
Kobi the husky at the front door in Pets Pyjamas' London HQ.
Lianna Brinded/Business Insider

You only have to visit the Pets Pyjamas website for a few minutes to realise the company treats its products
and services like Vogue treats fashion.

Amico, who is a veteran in the e-commerce and fashion world, believes that the key to the company's success is that it "overdelivers," has high-quality products, and always makes sure there is the element of bespoke to its services. In other words, she says, Pets Pyjamas "attracts you in one way and keeps you coming back for more. It's a very holistic business."

Amico says they are the first group to "curate" high-end pet related products, that range from £10 ($15) collars to limited items that can cost thousands of pounds. You won't see plastic squeaky toys or budget dog bowls anywhere on site.

"What's interesting is that our customers, if they buy a holiday, they come back to the site for accessories and vice versa," Amico says. "We also put a lot of time into making sure the website is tailormade to breeds. For example, what you want to buy for your pug versus my lurcher is very different."

"We also make sure we are content rich and have articles, lists and advice from celebrity pet owners, trainers, vets and others."

"The 'internet' used to be a dirty word in the luxury world"
Gracia Amico, CEO of Pets Pyjamas spoke to Business Insider from the group's London HQ in Shoreditch.
Lianna Brinded/Business Insider

Amico wanted to be in business from an early age but decided to take up a language that would be key in the business world instead — Mandarin.

After completing a Masters in Chinese, with several facets of an MBA, marketing, business and finance embedded into the degree, she launched a fine Italian jewellery and leather goods e-commerce business named after herself when dot com was in its infancy in the 1990s.

"I absolutely loved it and for the 5 and a half years I did it, it was great," she said. "I had £500,000 ($754,000) in venture capital investment but it was a steep learning curve and quite lonely. I had a small team but when the dot com bubble burst, I didn't have all the answers. But I learned so much and realised that I wanted to stay in e-commerce. There was great potential online."

After the Amico site, she worked for a bed linen company to expand their offering online and then rose up the ranks in the world of e-commerce and fashion. She ended up working at Burberry in the e-marketing department and made the group "super commercial."

"The 'internet' used to a little bit of a dirty word in the luxury fashion world but after a year they became super commercial online," she says.

She said she was hungry for more innovation, which led her to Topman where she ran the e-commerce department with just two people. Within 5 years, she grew sales online from £2 million ($3 million) to over £50 million ($75.4 million) with a team of 45.

"I don't know what it was like across the rest of the Arcadia group [the company that owns Topman] but it was very entrepreneurial in Topman. We could move fast. For example, one day I just spoke to the tech people and asked for a US site and it was done quickly and then we started trading in the US," said Amico. "However, the bigger we got, the more we slowed down in development."

She then went to Hobbs in a similar role but "didn't find it entrepreneurial enough." Immediately afterwards, she was poached by long-term business friend and co-founder of Pets Pyjamas Karen Hanton and the rest is history.

A screengrab from the Pets Pyjamas website.

So what's next?

"We have only scratched the surface in Britain and we're getting more and more hotels and holiday destinations on board here, but continental Europe is an easy [expansion option] for us," Amico says.

"We have a good relationship with the Eurotunnel already and we've already started scouting places in the South of France.

"There's one place which is absolutely beautiful and is right near the sea. It also has a Michelin star restaurant where the chef has even agreed to make dinner for your dog."

The US, Japan, and other European countries are other areas for potential expansion. Partnerships are in the works. The group has launched its own range of dog jackets, which will be sold in Accessorize.

And Amico is also focusing on the tech side of things, given her background in e-commerce.

She says: "We are also creating an app that helps pets owners when they are travelling, whether they need to find dog-friendly restaurants or if there are some great places nearby to visit."

Given her roots in the first dot com bubble, does Amico think Pets Pyjama being a disruptor — a word loved by the tech community — is key to the company's success?

"We're very lucky here, we have a great tech team, great staff with a good pedigree," she said. "However, I wouldn't say we are disrupting. We are just moving everything on into the 21st century and ahead with the times."