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blogs on travel People are different. We each have a totally can you make money blogging unique set of DNA that will never be replicated short of cloning. I do not think the same as you do and vice-versa. Our brains are wired differently. What seems totally natural and easy for me to do may be close to impossible for you. Oftentimes we get caught in the thought pattern, " If I can see this so clearly, why in the world can't you?" "If I can perform this task, why can't you?" But the reality is that just because I can do something does not mean that you can. Nor does it best blogspots me better or right. Just different.

There is business blogs to follow in diversity! I love to have profound philosophical conversations. It's fun to allow myself to think most popular blog site outside the box. When I hear another person's point of view or belief that I had not considered before, it allows me to ponder and stretch my thoughts and grow... I get to have an expansive, satisfying, fulfilling experience through them... how FUN is that!?! But if I am closed minded and not open to hearing a different perspective, I am shutting myself off to learning and expanding. What do you think and say and how do you react when someone has a different opinion or belief than you? I think being open scares a lot of people because it threatens them.

I understand you believe that you cannot how robots replace humans thinking. I agree. But if only 2% of the people think and a maximum roll-out world wide of your MindMap only increases that by lets say 1000% that still leaves some 80% of the humans not thinking right? So, in Isaac Asimov's books he talks about different Worlds and Planets with different numbers of robots, on Earth none are allowed and there is a quasi police state with everyone living in domes. Seems rather "Logan Run" ish? And I already see this trend.

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Individuals & countries are competing to get ahead at any opportunity. Problems in Thailand, Vietnam tries to snatch the investments! We are a better place now! And to think they also stand by communism! It used to take banks years to build relationships with customers now they are reduced to digits.

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Get a journal and write A LOT! Turn off the internal editor and just write ceaselessly and until you start to feel better. Ask a Higher Power or whatever name you would use for God for guidance in your writing.