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The US government just acquired a real-world lesson about the security hazards posed by easy to get at drones. Officials article that they recovered a quadcopter on the White House's grounds in the early morning hours on January 26th, without clear indication concerning who flew it or why. A spokesperson records that the drone was never a menace to President Barack Obama (who was browsing India) or his family, but that's not the point. The greater concern is the fact that the trick Service was obviously unacquainted with the drone until it had been on their turf. A more sinister pilot might have been utilizing it to execute espionage, deliver explosives or simply to annoy the daylights out of White House personnel.

When planning on taking out Microdrones a (marginally) more legal option might be considered a paint ball weapon which fires large calibre low velocity paint tablets that will blind as well as damage the target. Paint ball guns hold the advantage of being legal and commonly available but again, most likely not the best quadcopter 2015 (simply click the next website) option for riots and presentations. For these occasions, the simple handheld catapult firing a variety of improvised ammunition should do the work though surreptitiously reaching a moving 1m size target at a range of, say, 100 metres may require a little aim for practise…and might take a few shots as the drone can still take flight with only two of its four rotors performing.

For the highly experienced enthusiast, you will want to try a huge kit and try to build your own airplane from scratch. This can be very difficult and frustrating, sometimes taking weeks to fully assemble one machine. It'll however, provide you with hours of fun and the happiness of finally witnessing your bird travel will be precious. When building your own handy remote control helicopter, be sure you follow all the instructions and proceed through them detail by detail. That is very very important to the safe practices of you and the ones around you. Rotor rotor blades can come apart mid-flight and this can be very dangerous. For a few hobbyists building their own helicopter is much more fun than actually traveling it.

The HPQ-1 can take payloads as high as 12 ounces, so users may use standard digital cameras to have stream incidents or a set of smaller shooters to capture arial 3D videos. According to the company, SWAT clubs want into using the product for surveillance. The other recommended consumption? Wedding ceremonies, of course. The copter can reach a max altitude of 2,000 ft and has a theoretical maximum journey radius as high as a mile. It's currently available for an MSRP of $899. Peep an instant video after the break.

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