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"Hackerspace" where people collaborate to have access to space and tools that they otherwise couldn't on their own. Instead of everyone having their own hammers etc, we all share a laser cutter.

Communal with shared things, sometimes it's paid staff, sometimes it's a combination of members renting private studio space. Like art spaces. *spaces, where * = hacker, maker, dancing, coworking, etc.

Continuum. Not just people in conflict with each other, check, never talk to each other again, but an assumption that it signals issues and other steps need to be taken.

Continuum, this focuses on community response to an individual's behavior - NOT individual to individual.

Good Faith Vs Bad Faith Action. "This is the way we do things" assumes everyone will abide by the agreement, which is theory but not practice.

Basic Assumptions

For communities which are social-justice and power discrepency aware.

Rights work up, rules work down

Dignity, equality, and justice are overall goals for the community. Any choices about inclusion will be made on that basis, rather than based on "inclusion."

  • How to protect the someone's rights and feelings when protecting against their bad behavior?


Social justice-focused, when is radical inclusion a part of it? Exclude people to achieve safe space, or exclude people just because?

Radical Inclusion: No one is barred from the space for things which are under their control. Gender, history, aneurotypicality. Can include people with very different views, but try to include them in the community. Inclusion as a privilege which is at first granted, but can be revolked. Reluctance to hold people accountable for things like misogyny, on account of radical inclusion. Ends up excluding others.

(Person of priviledge) is not welcome unless accompanied by (historically marginalized person).

People in the group will have relationships with an expelled person which durate any expulsion.

Break-Up Talk

Making a path and making sure everyone knows about it during onboarding. This way all members know what to expect, and no one's constantly looking over their shoulder wondering if they're about to be kicked out. Should be clear to know how you're screwing up, how it will be addressed, how you can fix it, and how things will happen if you don't.

Assuming the Community Cares for the Individual

We will work with you, if you want to continue being a part of this group, to adapt the group to "better" norms, to better teach you the norms, and to lay a path to reintegration based on demonstration of those norms.


Truth and reconcilliation programs in South Africa and Ireland. People had a choice between staying in/going to prision. In reconcilliation, you don't even have to repent, you only have to tell the whole truth. Met with victims of similar acts (not their acts). Sometimes they apologized, sometimes they didn't. Sometimes it was accepted, sometimes it wasn't. Seems to ahve a good record of establishing cohesion in a community (even if not at an individual level).

  • Reintegration of a person
  • Approach as a community process around a particular conflict (even if not for the specific person)

We could do this across hackerspaces by bringing in someone externally. Probably too location-specific.

We often focus on the affected individual giving the go-ahead to reintegrate someone, but we're getting more at community cohesion over that individualistic reconsilliation.

A focus on safe spaces constrains movement.

Not making the whole space "safe", but subspaces. Smaller corners safer for some folk. Pattern of the whole group having some corner which is safe for any given person.

Potential Harm

Easier to detect physical harm. What about emotional? Digital - doesn't require physical presense.

Models of forgiveness

Re-establishing safety.

History and Sharing

Responsibility of saying when someone has been unhealthy in the past? To your larger group, to neighborhing groups. Care for the individual means passing on to others what next steps were requested and why. Sex offender list, where it can mean you peed in public, or it can mean they did horrible things to a kid.

Does it establish a pattern of previous behavior? No longer a question of fixing the relationship between the person and the victim, it's about correcting the behavior.

Often the people making the complaint aren't ok having their names out. But a pattern can indicate names don't matter. Semi-anonymous complaint systems (complaint escrow). Establishes solidarity and safety in numbers.


If people are expelled, can they be re-introduced?

Signaling Affordance

Norms and Mentoring

How do you communicate things?

How many new folk in at once, as a percentage? Load balancing.

Hard rules in how to become a mentor. Guides to follow. A way to avoid sexual issues? Pair with someone you don't feel tension with.

  • Mixers

Engineering serendipity


"I am this person, am I currently welcome in the space?" - could be based on people, activities, etc.

Diversity as an incentive. Diminishing returns on working with people you always work with.
  • Block Button in Real Life
The internet gets this right. Can we do this in meat space?
Quiet hours - anyone can be in teh space, but no one talks
  • PMs
  • Bozo filter / muting
Not feeding teh trolls might not actually work.
  • Community Blocking
Letting others prefilter for you for trolling behavior.
  • Liaison or Go-Between
Some person will never talk to you, or you'll never have to deal with a topic.

Tracking who everyone is avoiding. Then maybe responding.